Appearances - 2017
Were you there? - have you got any comments or pickies for any of the appearances below? if so, please let us know
21/12/17 Worcester Woodlands Project Xmas Party at Spetchley Park
A big thank you to those who played at the Worcestershire Woodland Project Christmas party today - the winter solstice (but no Druids) and our last gig of the year! The band was great. A pretty faultless performance. Well done everyone. Thanks as ever to John H for his bass playing and special thanks to Eirlys for all her work on the Christmas Songs... this has definitely borne fruit! As mentioned by Eirlys (below), we were presented with a wooden uke player (definitely to become a mascot) made from Spetchley wood by the Woodland Project participants and we were also given a splendid lunch..... Happy Christmas to you all. Allan.
17/12/17 Bewdley Museum
Hi All, A huge thank you to everyone who played this afternoon, we played really well despite it being bitterly cold. I think the kids enjoyed it, they all seemed to be dancing and didn't seem to mind the waiting to see Santa. I was amazed that there weren't any tears given the length of wait We even got some of the Mums and Dads singing along although I don't think I would have felt much like singing given the queue. Looking forward to playing there in the summer. See you at the next one, John
14/12/17 Sky Lounge Xmas Party
13/12/17 Park Heath Social Club Xmas Party
A select but appreciative audience sang and clapped along to the lively group of Wuccies who assembled to play today. We sang and played a very tight set and 'Must Be Santa' rattled along at quite a pace with not one strum or note out of place!! We also gave fine voice to the Turtles 'Happy Together'.........great harmonies ladies!! Our mix of old standards and Christmas songs lead by Eirlys, went down a treat and we were treated to mince pies and tea afterwards........what more could we ask for! Thank you all who turned up to play and give it some wellie. We have been invited back again so they must have liked what we did!! Merry Christmas everyone! Rob
7/12/17 St Wulstans Church Bazaar, not `bizarre` but a jolly little gig played by an accomplished set of players to an appreciative audience who clapped and sang along with the songs whilst spending their dosh.....even the vicar was enjoying it all!! Thanks to the bakers dozen who played and gave it plenty of `oomph` and nice to have Mark`s bass to keep us in order. The Christmas songs go well and sound even better when repeated three or four times!!!!! Have yourselves a merry little Christmas............ Rob
7/12/17 Callow End WI Xmas Party
Many thanks to all who played last night at Callow End W.I. Christmas Party. Many of the ladies had not heard the Ukulele band before and thoroughly enjoyed being taken down memory lane. We had lovely feedback. Food was excellent as you would expect from W.I. Thank you once again, Brian
7/12/17 Feelgood Group Xmas Party
Thanks to all who played at the aptly named Feelgood Group Christmas party today. Despite the early hour, they were a great audience and we sang and played well. We got a standing ovation and a repeat "Must be Santa" as an encore went down very well indeed. Allan.
5/12/17 Bromyard U3A Xmas Party
Thanks to all who played at the Bromyard U3A Christmas party gig today. The audience loved it: "Thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon, I have had lovely feedback. Please let all your members know how pleased we were. I hope we have the pleasure of hearing you again . Have a good Christmas and Happy New Year. Kind Regards, Carol C (organiser)". We even got a standing ovation! Special thanks to Geoff (Elaine's husband) who played bass at short notice and to all the band for a great performance. Allan.
3/12/17 Worcester Xmas Markets Day 3
Thank you to everyone who played over the weekend . I would have loved to have took part . Only I had to work ,looking after Headway clients who need my help. To all my fellow ukulele friends a big thank you. Best wishes, Jane M
The Worcester Victorian Fayre has kept the Wuccies busy for the past 3 days. Big groups of us performed on the stage in Cathedral Square on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Another group played in the Hopmarket on Saturday. Thanks to the many generous shoppers & visitors, we collected lots of donations for our local charity - Headway.
Hi All, A BIG THANKS YOU to all who played in Cathedral Square, another great performance after a busy weekend. We had a good crowd, most of whom stayed for the entire performance and gave generously to our new charity. All in all, we managed to raise a total of £445.97 over the 3 gigs, which is a great start for our new charity Headway. See you soon, John H
2/12/17 Worcester Xmas Markets Day 2
Hi Everyone, Two very nice gigs today. Firstly in the Hopmarket where we collected over £90 in the Headway buckets and later in Cathedral Square where we drew a good crowd. Colin
Hi to all those who played at the Hop Market today (2/12). At about 11.15 I was having a telephone conversation with the owner of the leather shop in the Hop Market and I could hear you guys playing in the background. The owner and I got talking about your performance and she said how much she was enjoying listing to you and how it was brightening up her morning and getting her feet tapping away. Well done. Feedback like that makes it all seem so worthwhile doesn't it. Who cares about the cold! All the best, Roger P
1/12/17 Worcester Xmas Markets Day 1
Thanks to all of last night’s performers. A sparse crowd but thanks to Rosemary and Anne’s efforts with the buckets we collected over £100. We did attract people to stop and listen so we must have been doing something right. There will be a few more of us today so let’s give it our best shot! Colin
Further to Colin's erudite summary of the evenings event: I'd specially like to thank Hucklebury Hound who managed to make an appearance with the collecting buckets. Thanks Hucklebury; nice that you could join us for the evening! Tom
23/11/17 Young At Heart, St Pauls Church, Worcester
Thanks to all who sang and played at St Pauls (that is St Pauls Worcester!) today. Our efforts were very well received as well as a generous lunch. There were several very complimentary comments after the show so well done everyone. Allan.
21/11/17 Bedwardine Care Home, Worcester
Thanks to all those who played at the Bedwardine Care Home today. A couple of songs were slightly modified by leadership brain failure but the band rose above this.....very professional Brian said (and he should know!). The residents were very frail so were not able to join in much but I think that some enjoyed the show and it brightened up their day. The staff enjoyed it and want us back in the future. Thanks again for your efforts. Best wishes, Allan.
17/11/17 Children In Need, Worcester
WUCies are joined by Pudsey to raise funds for Children In Need in Worcester! See more details in the Worcester News
17/11/17 Droitwich Lions Club
A big thank you to all those who played at Droitwich last night. This was a great effort especially as many of you had also played at Children in Need earlier in the day. At least one member (Trevor) ended the day bandaged as a result of of a ukulele induced injury....who said that playing the uke wasn't a physical sport. The Olympic bid will be going in soon. Back to planet earth, the band sang and played really well.....strong singing, really together, great timing. Thanks again. The Lions were really pleased with us.....just as well when you think about it! Best wishes, Allan.
11/11/17 Upton-upon-Severn Parish Church
A big thank you to all who tore themselves away from "Strictly" to play at Upton yesterday evening! The audience was small but appreciative and the director of music in the church had some nice things to say about our efforts. Thanks again to Mark for providing the bass line and well done to everyone who played. Allan.
10/11/17 Deaf Direct
2/11/17 Thursday Group - St Josephs Church

Thank you EVERYONE who played this afternoon at the Thursday Group. We had a blast! It was a great afternoon, everyone sang well, we were a 'tight ship' - thanks to John on the Bass and we had some great comments afterwards. We almost outnumbered the audience, but they really enjoyed it and were joining in with most of the songs. The Christmas Carols and songs went very well. Thanks to Eirlys for counting those in and for the Monday night practice sessions- they are really paying off. Diane (my friend who runs the group) has said thy would like us back again next year!! Watch this space. So well done all- here's to the next one! All the best, Lyn
19/10/17 St Richards Hospice
Today we were treated to a fun-filled performance by the wonderful Worcester Ukulele Club who came to play at our Day Hospice. Here's Ken, who comes to Day Hospice, with members of the Ukulele Club - We'd like to say a big thank you to the group for coming along and entertaining everyone! St Richards Hospice
18/10/17 Clifton on Teme Friendship Club - 60th wedding anniversary
Many thanks to all of you who turned up to play today and for your fortitude in waiting for over an hour before we played. The audience thoroughly enjoyed our playing which was very good considering the level of fatigue that must have been setting in! Thank you to John for keeping us in order with his bass playing and Rosemary managed to locate a spare uke after a problem with her broken string???!!! To cap it all we sold at least five CD'S and they want us back again so we must be doing something right!!!! Thank you all again.......... Rob
8/10/17 Bewdley Museum Harvest Fair
Thanks to everyone who played at Bewdley Museum today. Lovely weather and a lovely performance from us. We played very well and the audience was singing along / tapping their feet. I don’t think I’ve ever had so many people come up to me after a performance and say how much they enjoyed it. Colin
We had a great gig at Bewdley museum today. 11 Wuccies played and sang their hearts out to a very appreciative audience who clapped and cheered every song. We had lots of positive feedback at the end. I've sent some photos so that you can put one or two on the website and Facebook. They were all taken by my husband Richard. Best wishes, Pattie
7/10/17 Banbury Folk and Hobby Horse Festival
A great big thank you to the magnificent Worcester Uke Club strolling players band who played at Banbury. The procession was great fun and we managed to lead all the fierce beasts, hobby horses, Morris dancers and belly dancers, without any health and safety incidents (with a little help from the stewards!). (A little bit of strolling never did us any harm!). Our promised sandwiches finally arrived and we did a nice mini-gig at the Reindeer Inn which went down pretty well.
Patrick, Laura, Dave and Jane then held a well attended workshop and we polished the day off with a concert that was rather thinly attended but enjoyed by the band and the workshop attendees. John H deserves an extra special thank you for engineering a trolley (see videos) to haul his bass amp through the streets of Banbury and as ever, for his excellent bass playing. Best wishes and thanks again. Allan. |
Hi Allan, A big thank you to you, from all of us that took part for all the time and effort you have put in over the last few weeks towards this event, selecting and updating the songs to be relevant for the gig and getting us all together to practice. The whole day was great fun and I look forward to being invited to stroll in the future, although I might have to do some mods to my chariot to make it a bit easier to handle over the cobbles. You don't notice how rough the pavement is until you pull something with wheels over it. Thanks Allan, a great gig. John
27/9/17 The British Legion at Claines
Hi All, A big thank you to all those who played yesterday at The British Legion at Claines. The audience was great and got into the swing of things from the off, singing away and enjoying themselves and we even got them dancing. I thought we played extremely well, it was tight and crisp with plenty of gusto. A big thanks to Ernie (Mark) for playing bass and holding it all together nicely. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, I am sure we will be back there next year. See you soon, John
21/9/17 St Richard's Hospice
10/9/17 Malvern Village Fete
(A) few pics from yesterday - the organisers said, "Thank you so much for your playing today, you brightened up the grey skies!" - my thanks too! - Bill
It was raining throughout our performance. Our last song was 'Bring me Sunshine' and immediately after that it stopped raining. Who knows whether the influencing factor was a wonderful performance of 'Bring me Sunshine' or the fact that we didn't play any more songs. Colin
9 - 10/9/17 Bromyard Folk Festival
2/9/17 Peopleton Show
Well the sun shone and the crowds turned up for the big show this year............and the Ukulele players were there in force too. We must have had 20 of us on stage, very cosy but we gave it plenty of `wellie` and it all sounded good thanks to John`s super efforts with setting up the sound system as well as playing a pounding bass line so many thanks to John!! Thanks also to Trevor for organising the players on stage and to all of you for making sure we were ready to go when I`d finished pootling about on the straw bales!!! The only hiccup was when I lost the plot completely in my attempts to count in `Putting on the agony` ironic! Thank you Trevor for saving the day on that one!! We had an attentive audience and some very positive comments on how good we sounded so well done everyone ! Many of you stayed on for the rest of the afternoon to hear the Poor Boys who played a great set despite being interrupted to let some `old crocks` parade around the field!! A great day with some great music...... Rob
28/08/17 Fort Royal
Thanks to everyone who played at this event. The park was full and this was a very enjoyable gign (with) a brilliant view of the end of festival fireworks display. Colin
26/08/17 Sunshine Festival, Upton
Here's a big thank you and well done to all who played at the Sunshine (yes true!) Festival today. We played to a decent sized audience who seemed to enjoy the show. I thought we sang and played well. In fact, some of the band showed how well they knew the songs by playing them in the dark! Thanks to Richard for sharing the leading and thanks to Trevor for transferring the kit across the large venue. See you all soon. Best wishes, Allan.
19/08/17 Salwarpe Fete 2017
19/08/17 Norton Hall
Hi All, Thank you very much to the stalwart crew that played at Norton Hall yesterday and gave a spirited performance. We were playing outdoors so had the wind to contend with, but luckily it was mainly blowing from behind us so we didn't have to rescue our music too often. Always a pleasure playing with you guys, see you soon, John
18/08/17 Vintage Tea Party
Hello all 15 Tea Party revellers - Many, many thanks for your support and splendid playing at yesterday's (lunchtime) Vintage Tea Party. It was a blast! Everyone enjoyed themselves and we had some lovely comments afterwards. The foot tapping, singing and dancing proved they were all 'in the swing' and several of the old folk said they hoped we would go back again, so........ watch this space. We were certainly well catered for, with excellent refreshments at half-time and the whole gig was finished by 1-20pm! See you on Monday folks and thanks again- we gave them a good performance. All the best, Lyn
13/08/17 Martley Fringe
Thanks to the band who played at Martley Fringe yesterday. We played to a rather thinly dispersed audience in the large garden of the Crown Inn. Despite this, we had unsolicited compliments from those furthest away from us (about 50 yards) so the projection must have been good. I thought that we sang and played very well . Thanks to John H. for keeping us in order with the bass. We saw no sign of Eric Clapton or his mate Ian Botham but we have now played at one of Eric's venues and will therefore go down in history...!, Allan
12/08/17 Wedding
Many thanks to those who played at the wedding gig yesterday. We were well looked after by the charming bride and groom. It's not often we arrive to find 20 plush red velvet chairs set out for us with a bottle of water beside each one! As expected, the gig was pretty noisy as befits a wedding reception with relatives and old friends meeting up and chatting. Despite this and echos from the hall, we put in our usual spirited performance. There was some dancing and singing along and there were lots of compliments from the happy couple and guests. Thanks again to Mark for playing bass. Yours truly took away a few more points to help propel himself up the learning curve of gig leadership! All in all, a technically challenging gig but a happy occasion and we were well received. Thanks again to all the band. Allan
Testimonial: From beginning to end, the Worcester Ukulele Club were a pure joy to deal with, from having the original idea and finding a couple of tunes of them on the internet, through to seeing them off with a spring in our step. We've heard the club practising a couple of times and I think we heard three of the members playing on the High Street in Worcester outside on a random Saturday. We thought to ourselves that would go down VERY well with our family and friends at our wedding reception, and so we contacted them to see whether they were free. We're so pleased we did. They were generous with their time and were just the best people to deal with, even learning a couple of new songs, and tailoring their sets so that we would be able to hear our favourite songs before being whisked away for photographs. From originally asking for about five or so to come along, we ended up with quite a gang, and it sounded perfect in the venue. Everybody has told us how much they enjoyed them, and we just hope that our liquid offerings were enough for the brilliant job that they did on the day. Can we do it again next Saturday? Louise and Matt
12/08/17 Birthday Party at the Worcester Commandery
There was some initial panic when we couldn’t find a way into the Commandery to play at Andrea’s 70th Birthday Party; but we did get in eventually. Andrea joined us on ‘air’ ukulele when we sang ‘He Played His Ukulele As The Ship Went Down” and afterwards said “the ukulele band were so good." It’s best not to look at the band photo too closely as Bev looks very scary indeed.
09/08/17 Malvern Sight Concern
05 - 06/08/17 Foodie Festival, Worcester
Hi All, A huge thank you to all who played at both gigs at the Foodie Festival this weekend.
Yesterday was a damp start but everyone approached it with a cheery spirit and before long the sun came out and brightened the day. We played really well and soon had an audience of passers-by and some stallholders. The TV Chef Jean-Christophe Novelli walked by and smiled on his way to his demonstration in the newly refurbished Cathedral Square. This caused a ripple of excitement for some of the ladies in the band. I hope your heart rates have returned to normal by now. All in all, a good morning and despite the early start, we managed an encore and collected £30.05 plus 1 Euro.
Today was a later start and as we set up in the bandstand, an expectant crowd gathered before we had even struck a note. Once again we played a great set and had people singing along with us for the whole time. There was a row of deck chairs arranged in front of the stage which were appreciated by the audience, some of whom looked settled for the afternoon. We finished off with Sweet Caroline and had everyone singing along. We managed to collect a whapping £67.00 and no foreign coins.
Well done one and all, an excellent weekend. See you all soon, John
Yesterday was a damp start but everyone approached it with a cheery spirit and before long the sun came out and brightened the day. We played really well and soon had an audience of passers-by and some stallholders. The TV Chef Jean-Christophe Novelli walked by and smiled on his way to his demonstration in the newly refurbished Cathedral Square. This caused a ripple of excitement for some of the ladies in the band. I hope your heart rates have returned to normal by now. All in all, a good morning and despite the early start, we managed an encore and collected £30.05 plus 1 Euro.
Today was a later start and as we set up in the bandstand, an expectant crowd gathered before we had even struck a note. Once again we played a great set and had people singing along with us for the whole time. There was a row of deck chairs arranged in front of the stage which were appreciated by the audience, some of whom looked settled for the afternoon. We finished off with Sweet Caroline and had everyone singing along. We managed to collect a whapping £67.00 and no foreign coins.
Well done one and all, an excellent weekend. See you all soon, John
02/08/17 Rushwick WI
Good morning to all of you who played at Rushwick WI last night, a big thank you. It was awesome! The singing and playing was spot on! We had several encores and Instead of playing for 45-60 mins we played for 75 mins and even then they were reluctant for us to finish and would have had us performing even more songs! The WI members (who were a great audience and sang along with us) said our enthusiasm and joy was infectious and that it was obvious that we all enjoyed performing and that they'd had a wonderful, enjoyable evening. They didn't want it to end. It had been entertaining and educational! Thank you John for the brilliant bass playing which gives us a steady beat to follow and to John (right flank) and Richard (middle) who did a great job of keeping us all in perfect time. Also, thank you to everyone who helped with the stands (Allan, Bob), the amp (Richard, Lyn), the copies (Jean, Angie), photographs (Carrie) etc, which made it very easy for me. A great team effort. And thank you to Lucy for producing the Singalong leaflets which enabled everyone to join in. (And, last of all, thank you for humouring me and letting me tell you all where to stand or sit!) Eirlys 😀🎸🎶🎉
30/07/17 Cripplegate Park, Worcester
A big thank you to all who played in Cripplegate Park this afternoon. We attracted a decent audience that grew as the afternoon went on. They seemed to enjoy the show. Mercifully the threatening clouds scudded over our head and dropped very little rain. We sang and played better and better as the afternoon went on, so well done everyone. Thanks to John B. for keeping us together on the bass line. Thanks again, best wishes, Allan.
26/07/17 Fundraiser for Westmead Care Home Droitwich and Alzheimers Society
Many thanks to those who played at Ombersley (Memorial Hall) yesterday evening. We played the organiser's selection from all the song packs plus a couple more. The band coped well with all the song pack changes despite some dodgy instructions from the leader! (me). Mark kept us on the beat with the bass. The gig raised £300 for Alzheimers and £300 for Westmead Care Home. So well done everyone and brilliant support for our chosen charity. Comments afterwards included "excellent" and "just my kind of music". Best wishes, Allan.
Hi Allan, A massive thank you to all of you. You were all brilliant! such a fun sound. Good reports from everyone on leaving. Best wishes, Karen.
23/07/17 Macca Memorial
Thanks to all who played at Macca Memorial this morning to round off a very busy weekend for the club. We had a strong band well held together by John's bass. We had the reverse of the graveyard slot (?the neonatal slot) as we essentially opened the music for the day, so the crowd was thin to start with but we had quite a few by the end. Trevor's dog was not at all phased by anything including Stray Cat Strut. Thanks again and see you soon. Best wishes, Allan.
22/07/17 Redhill Social Club Party
A big thank you to all who played at Redhill Social Club last night. It turned into a very lively evening. It's not often that the band has their clothes ripped off by the audience.........well I do exaggerate but the dancers did take some of our hats for a while! The band was great, singing and playing and held together perfectly by John's bass. Redhill Social Club's raffle and bingo raised a very large sum in aid of Alzheimers. Also a special thanks to the band members who played in the depths of the very wet Cotswolds late into Friday night and then appeared rejuvenated to play late into the evening at Redhill......Only one more gig this weekend, then see you on Monday! Best wishes, Allan.
A Brilliant night. Many thanks to all involved in Worcester Ukulele Club. Superb entertainment that was enjoyed by all of our club members at Red Hill Social Club Worcester
21/07/17 Harvest Party, Lower Swell
Hi All, Just to say a big thank you to all who played last night. It was a long night but we sounded really good and played together well. All the people I spoke to said how much they had enjoyed it. What a shame that the weather was so horrendous, I hope everyone got home safely, there was a lot of water on the roads. Thanks to Colin for holding it all together and for bringing and playing an excellent FL set and to Phil, Dave, Sue, Eirlys and Rob (have I missed someone out here, if so, very sorry?). Thanks also to Rob his harmonica and Uke bongos, (some unkind person said his uke sounded better that way around). Thanks also to Tom for his prolific pootling and to Sue, Nige and Paul for the other sub set that we did. Well done everyone, see some of you again tonight when we do it all again. Caio John
Yes well done John and thank you - not the easiest gig to lead 😊 but we made it! All the best everyone, Russ
A great gig and made all the better by some interesting additions to the normal line up! Well done John for a good lead and organisation!! Sorry I had to leave before the was a hairy drive back to Worcester and I was glad of the 4 wheel drive!!! See you Monday, Rob
15/07/17 Eckstock, Eckington
This is just a very quick note from the Eckstock Team to say thanks a million for your performance on Saturday and overall contribution to Eckstock 2017 – we’ve had fantastic feedback and have exceeded all our expectations. It was a great day and we couldn’t have done it without the dedication and musical excellence of all the performers on the day. We were blessed with good weather – not too hot, a little cloudy but the main thing – NO RAIN! Follow this link to see a quick video montage of the day – it captures the mood beautifully: Please pass our thanks on to all the group. I hope you all enjoyed the experience as much as we did. With our grateful thanks once again and best wishes for the rest of 2017.
If you played at Eckstock - thank you. We were following a really good band but played and sang well and grabbed more audience attention. If you didn’t play at Eckstock - you missed out.
A really good local music festival with two stages, good bands, good sound engineers, bar, ice-cream, burgers, excellent tea and cake tent, 800 people. Colin |
13/07/17 Perdiswell Mature Club, Worcester
Super gig this afternoon for 'The Mature Club' at Perdiswell Young Peoples Leisure Club! - that may well be an oxymoron (dictionary definition - "a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear together.") Anyway the 10 Wuccies, who were led by Colin, played & sang in perfect harmony for the appreciative audience numbering about 40.
12/07/17 Storer Court, Worcester
09/07/17 Teme Valley Market, and Worcester District Lodge of the Oddfellows, Worcester
Just to say a big thank you to Worcester Ukulele band for your performance at Teme Valley Market last weekend. Both stall holders and customers commented on what a lovely atmosphere it gave to the market (I enjoyed watching people dancing whilst doing their shopping!). Next year we shall be celebrating 20 years of the market. Would we be able to book you again for second Sunday in July?
Thanks to everyone who played at today’s two gigs:
Teme Valley Market was a new one for us. At various times we had a small audience gathered to listen to us which is an achievement when most people were there to look round the market. The stall holders also liked us and say that we created a nice atmosphere. I think we will be asked back and we have also been asked to play at NestFest. The afternoon gig was for the Worcester District Lodge of the Oddfellows. This was a more sedate but nonetheless less enjoyable gig. The audience did sing along and enjoyed our performance and we were all well fed and watered. Colin |
08/07/17 The Hive, Worcester
Many thanks to everyone who played at the Hive today. I think that we did well to hold an audience whilst in competition with traffic and passing trains. Feedback from the audience and organisers was very positive, so well done everyone. We also pleased a loyal supporter (Pat F) who likes to come to as many of our gigs as possible. She gave me a CD that she recorded from the audience in 2014 and has been waiting for an opportunity to give it to us (view it now at: .....we have the nucleus of a fan club! Best wishes, Allan.
01/07/17 St Peter's Church Fete, Powick
Hi to everyone who played this afternoon. Thank you ALL sooo much (including Gary) for playing and singing so brilliantly at our church Fayre. We had some lovely, very positive comments and you all sounded great. Didn't we do well for the weather too! It's raining again now! It looks as though we have made in excess of £1,200, so a good result and I think our 'New Look' Fayre went down well. Thanks all again and 'hope our two 'newbies' enjoyed their first 'sortie' into performances. It's great fun isn't it? Cheers Lyn
28/06/17 Kempsey Over 60's Cornflower Club, Kempsey Parish Hall
Many thanks to everyone who played at The Cornflower Club gig in Kempsey Parish Hall this afternoon. I thought we played and sang really well and the audience clearly enjoyed our performance. Sally, the lady who booked us, said she would definitely like us to return next year. A special thank you to Rob for co-leading my first gig & letting me boss him about. (He's used to it, being married to a teacher!) Also a big thank you to Trevor for producing some excellent songsheets - there was some great audience participation. Thanks again, Jean
Well done to everyone at the Cornflower Club Gig today and special thanks to Jean who led very well and did all the organising including the set list.....she didn`t boss me about......really!! The audience had a great time singing along to a select few of the songs and thanks to Trevor for organising the sheets. Rob
24/06/17 Army Re-union, Worcester University
18/06/17 Three Counties Show, Malvern
Dear All, thanks for the sterling effort today on stage at the TCS - I tried to turn on the air conditioning - honestly! We were very much appreciated - they want us back again next year - and I promised to fine tune the hymns. And thanks to John for leading us. Here's a few pics to shown how you suffered. Bill
Hi All, A BIG Thankyou to all who played this weekend at both Bowfest and TCS Malvern, I hope you are not too badly burned by the exceptional weather. On Saturday, I was a little concerned that we would be struggling for numbers at Bowfest as there were some who couldn't make it at the last minute, but I need not have worried as several of you filled the breach on the day. It was a great sight to see Phil roll up on his scooter, took me back to my youth. I was a Greaser, but I had friends who were Mods with both Vespas and Lambos. As well as a full complement of WUCys, we were joined on stage by Dominic who was the son of one of the organisers. She mentioned to me that her son played at a club in Halesowen so I invited him to join us and he accepted. He loved it and said he was going to introduce a couple of our numbers to his club, which is fairly young and only has 20 or so members. Top marks to him for playing the whole set. Today was HOT. We set up diagonally across the stage so that we were all in the shade as much as possible. We played 2 lively sets but the heat got to us in the end which resulted in a contest to see who could play one song the fastest. It was a draw between Rosemary and Laura ;>)). We finished off with half a hour of Hymns. Sadly, our guitar playing vicar wasn't here this year so it fell to me to count them in and start them off, which highlighted just how much of a Heathen I have become as I kept having to ask Bill, "How does this one go?". I did get a bit of flack from some players afterwards saying " we weren't sure when to come in", well neither was I so sorry folks. Thanks to Dave S for taking the music stands home, a great help as I was parked a mile away. All in all though a good weekend, well done everyone, see you at the club tomorrow. John
17/06/17 Bowfest
14/06/17 WI Garden Party, Malvern
10/06/17 Friends of Perrins House and Davenham Summer Fete, Malvern
Hi everyone who played at Davenham today. Thank you all for your super playing and singing today- I think it went well and hope all the 'shoppers' enjoyed it. (It was a shame there wasn't more 'audience participation' or response, but we gave them a good show.) See you all Monday. Have a good w/e. Cheers, Lyn
08/06/17 Young at Heart, St Pauls Church, Worcester
Another well-received gig was performed on Wednesday lunch-time by 12 Wuccies for the Young At Heart club based at St Paul's Church. Audience participation included one lady wanting to join the band for a photo to send to her daughter in Dorset! (see photo)
07/06/17 Ukuleles at tee time! Worcester St John's Golf and Country Club
Ten Wuccies, led by Tom, played a very successful gig at Worcester Golf & Country Club this evening. We were the entertainment at their BBQ after a charity golf tournament. The audience enjoyed the singing & playing -especially '500 Miles' - where some of them got up to join in! The kazoo players (Lyn, Sue & John) were on particularly good form.
21/05/17 Hanley Swan Village Hall Charity Tea Party
Dear All, thanks for doing your bit for WUC at the tea party this afternoon. I think we enjoyed ourselves as much as the guests at the tea party - and we all got fed splendidly - a grand afternoon out. Ursula the organiser now wants to book us for 2018 and 2019! I've attached a few pics. Thanks again, Bill
20/05/17 3 Gigs in One Day!
200/05/17 Gig 3 - Ombersley Alzheimers
Dear all, just to round up today. The baton changing in the first 3 legs went faultlessly apart from when someone asked where the song sheets were for the first gig. Fortunately, an inspired sprint by an embarrassed Allan back to his car put the day back on track. After this the bands and equipment all arrived where they should be, only minimally behind schedule. Thanks to everyone who played at the Ombersley Alzheimer gig. You were a great band. I think we sang and played really well. The audience were really appreciative. This was a really good day for the club so well done everybody. Best wishes, Allan.
200/05/17 Gig 2 - Pitmaston School
A BIG thank you to all you played at Pitmaston today (Saturday). I have been told the playing and singing was wonderful and one small boy who watched us has asked for a ukulele for his birthday. Apologies for there not being a Plan B when it rained and we ended up playing in the cloak room - but it was an interesting experience!! Thanks to Rob for leading and John for bass and everyone for rushing up there and then on to Ombersley. Bev
Yes, we were literally in the cloakroom!!.......Very cosy, so much so that Allan had to stand on the rails! So, thank you one and all for playing so brilliantly in the circumstances with a passing crowd who nevertheless threw a few shekels into the bucket! A special thank you to the ladies for some great harmonies on 'Happy Together' and John for keeping us in time with his superb bass lines. A pity the weather stopped us from playing outdoors but I think it went very well in spite of that so thank you for a great Effort!! The race from one gig to another was a bit like 'beat the clock'! Rob
20/05/17 Gig 1 - Worcester Motor Festival
Thank you to the soggy Saturday morning ‘museum’ crew (if you were there, you’d understand!), who put up with the drizzly weather under the Debenhams awning in the high street earlier today - even more so, to our audience under the trees in the high street. 21 volunteers were lined up against the wall, and kept time pretty well considering the sometimes 2nd rate count ins they received from me (aka the 'volunteer scape goat leader' :-) ). Seriously though, I always enjoy the Motor Festival gig - it’s the one I’ve done the most times over the years… as ever, it was a challenge being in a 'line up'; but I think we did great under the circumstances, especially with the weather…and with John on the flank and Rob in the centre (thanks to both), we only ‘nearly’ lost timing a couple of times, and even then, it was probably due to my count ins!. I must say, that as a gig ‘lead’, it’s very reassuring to know that all you have to do is count to 4, and everyone will pick up the pace :-) Also, it was especially nice that we had 4 first time giggers just turn up on the day too - maybe having had a taste of ‘gigging’, they’ll perhaps sign up to do more!? Oh! And the bonus… we managed to raise £70.78p for Alzheimers too :-). Well done team! Cheers, Lorry
14/05/17 WUC at Cripplegate Park
23/04/17 St Georges Day In The (Gheluvelt) Park
Thank you to everyone that played today. I counted over 20 of us and I think we put on a good performance so well done everyone. We were paid a gig fee to be paid over to Alzheimers Society when we do our annual cheque. We also collected £48.02 in the charity buckets. Thank you to Liz W for rattling the buckets. Colin
05/04/17 Clifton on Teme Friendship Club, 80th Birthday
Hi All, That was the gig that was, that was!!!!!
A great big thank you for all your excellent playing and singing today. We had a great reaction from the audience who joined in with the spirit of it all with great gusto. I thought the standard of playing was excellent (apart from me when I thought we had finished a song and there was one more line to go!!) - we kept in time and together despite there being 18 (?) players to coordinate!! AND......we have been booked for another gig in October......AND.......we sold at least 2 CDs! Brill!! Thanks to Colin for bringing the stands and to Bill for putting together the new song-packs which are easier to handle...... but........ learn from experience that you can`t put them all on the music stands at the same time!! And everyone for all your assistance to set up and pack up at the end. I thoroughly enjoyed the gig as I hope you all did!! Thank you again, a great gig! Rob
A great big thank you for all your excellent playing and singing today. We had a great reaction from the audience who joined in with the spirit of it all with great gusto. I thought the standard of playing was excellent (apart from me when I thought we had finished a song and there was one more line to go!!) - we kept in time and together despite there being 18 (?) players to coordinate!! AND......we have been booked for another gig in October......AND.......we sold at least 2 CDs! Brill!! Thanks to Colin for bringing the stands and to Bill for putting together the new song-packs which are easier to handle...... but........ learn from experience that you can`t put them all on the music stands at the same time!! And everyone for all your assistance to set up and pack up at the end. I thoroughly enjoyed the gig as I hope you all did!! Thank you again, a great gig! Rob
18/03/17 Friends of St Clements Church, Worcester
To all of you who took part tonight - there were 18 of us - a very big thank you. It was a great team effort. The intros and outros were very good, as was the beat, and the singing was excellent! One lady said she had enjoyed tonight so much as it had made her remember her youth and childhood. Several said it had made them happy. We can't ask for more than that!! Eirlys
11/03/17 Bloodwise Fundraiser, Hallow Parish Hall
Hi, So the final total is £1.027.50!!
Thank you to everyone who took part last night, what a great sum of money we helped to raise! Most importantly it made my friend laugh and smile and her husband Glyn, well he was just in his element!! Many, many thanks, Rosemary Danny and Sandy also paid a visit!... to sing their mega hit: You're The One That I Want
23/02/17 Young At Heart, St Paul's Church, Worcester
Today 12 of us played for the Young at Heart group - a friendship group that meets weekly in St. Paul’s Church - a lovely church /meeting place. Five of us joined the group for a lovely lunch and after that we played and sang for an hour. Sue’s kazoo ‘exploded’ towards the end of the gig but despite the rumours it had not been sabotaged by me. Colin
16/02/17 Clarence Park, Malvern
Thanks to everyone who played at Clarence Park today, What a super way to start the year's gigs. Everyone played with a huge amount of enthusiasm which bubbled up through every song. The audience certainly enjoyed us, it's always great to see them joining in and singing along. I'm sure we'll be seeing them again later in the year, I quite fancy doing the day out trip!
Special thanks also to Rob for the harmonica playing and Martin who brought his bass uke along and to Jill who was playing something that resembled a ceramic frog with holes in, I guess it was an Ocarina. Anyway, they each sounded great and added that extra bit of colour to the performance. Well done everyone, see you all at the next one. John
Special thanks also to Rob for the harmonica playing and Martin who brought his bass uke along and to Jill who was playing something that resembled a ceramic frog with holes in, I guess it was an Ocarina. Anyway, they each sounded great and added that extra bit of colour to the performance. Well done everyone, see you all at the next one. John