Club Charity Corner
This page is devoted to the charities supported by the club over the years.
14/04/24 Thanks From Spectrum Days
Mon 22 Jan 2024 - Thanks To WUCCies From Acorns Support
What a night... what a fantastic presentation!
Here's a bit of thanks from our friends at Acorns for last year's epic WUC fundraising effort and donation (below). And a local radio interview for good measure! (Well done Jean and John). Thanks Acorns - it was a pleasure :-) |
Sun 10 Dec 2023 - Thanks To WUCCies For Acorns Support, From Yvonne and Joan
As the Charity year draws to a close we would like to express our thanks for all your support in making such a great contribution to the Children’s Hospice. Several of you have visited the Charity during the year and a few of us have played there too for children and staff. As well as the many gigs during the year we have had a charity raffle at the annual party, a summer party evening, contributions from Pershore U3A gigs, and a quiz night. Joan has created acorns earrings and necklaces which we have all enjoyed wearing at gigs to enhance the ‘message’. There has been a bit of diversification from the usual Wuccies fund-raising activities but we have had a lot of fun and received tremendous support from so many members. Too many to mention individually but you know who you are - from bucket shakers, to tabard wearers, so many mentions from gig leaders and the epitome was Nick donning the Alex the Acorn costume in a 25 degree heat!
We have built a warm relationship with Mel Hall, the publicity manager at Acorns. She has been expressing her appreciation all year to all of us and thanking Wuccies regularly for all we have done to support the Hospice this year. She will be coming in to receive the cheque and thank us all personally on January 22nd next year at the start of club night. But for now the thanks are from us to you all. It’s been a great team effort from all Wuccies, sustained throughout the year. Yvonne and Joan
We have built a warm relationship with Mel Hall, the publicity manager at Acorns. She has been expressing her appreciation all year to all of us and thanking Wuccies regularly for all we have done to support the Hospice this year. She will be coming in to receive the cheque and thank us all personally on January 22nd next year at the start of club night. But for now the thanks are from us to you all. It’s been a great team effort from all Wuccies, sustained throughout the year. Yvonne and Joan
Fri 23 Jun 2023 - Thanks From Acorns
Here is a copy of a letter just received in response to the donation recently made from Wuccies to Acorns. The contributions from so many club members from gigs, raffle, jewellery, donations, summer party, is so much appreciated, as evident in Mel's 'thank you' . Several members have been to visit the Hospice to see for themselves what we are supporting this year and we have twice been in to play for the children and staff there, reinforcing the close relationship we have developed with such a deserving local cause. The gigs continue through the rest of the year and we also have a Line Dance afternoon at Callow End Village Hall on October 6th 2-4pm. This was arranged in response to the introductory session at the party on 3rd June. One of our members has kindly paid for the hire of the hall, and several of us are donating refreshments so it's another opportunity for us to enjoy ourselves and support our Charity at the same time. We are not selling tickets for this - just turn up and dance! £6 a head. It will help catering if you let Joan or me know you are coming! Many thanks to everyone! Yvonne
Sun 18 Jun 2023 - Thanks From Red Cross
Better late than never, please find attached two very positive receipts from the British Red Cross recognising the donations made after the buskathons for the earthquake and for Ukraine. Peter
Sat 3 Jun 2023 - Acorns Charity Fundraiser, Peopleton Village Hall
And it really was fun! And a huge thank you to the two brilliant bands, Band Age and Cheap Frills, who played for us to make it such a good night. A final ticket sale number will come to you but it’s in excess of £400. On the night we had a few fun games at £1 a time, including heads and tails and a paper aeroplane activity, an auction and name game of a giant Teddy donated by a nurse at Acorns at £30, an auction of an accordion donated by Jerry O’Brien at £40, jewellery stall donated by Joan at £75, tea and coffee and cake donated by Anne Tysler and her team of Shell, Rose Helen and Shirley at £78, prizes for the games donated by the organisers, Jean, Yvonne,Joan and Barb. So many people to thank - you know who you are! The evening got off to a great start with three line dances led by Martin and Ashley, chairs and tables appeared with the help of early arrivers and particular thanks to those who helped at the end stacking the tables and chairs away and completing the clearing up. It was an evening when the amazing Wuccies club pulled together to support our charity for the year, and in the process had a really good time with the support of two great bands of musicians offering their time for the cause. John Henley responded to the challenging job of auctioning a giant bear no-one wanted, and an accordion only one person in the room wanted - and he managed both tasks and raised money in the process. Having done his job, Archibald bear found a home with a three year old girl known to Griff, lead singer in Band Age band, so our efforts reached out beyond those who enjoyed the evening! After deducting the hire of the hall we are able to offer something in excess of £800 to Acorns. So our congratulations and thanks go to everyone involved in an all round successful night - even the weather was kind! Jean, Joan and Yvonne and Barb
Mon 23 Jan 2023 - huge thanks from Pancreatic Cancer UK
31/01/23 Pancreatic Cancer Cheque Presentation
At its weekly meeting at Worcester University, St John’s Campus, club chairman, Rob Phillips handed over a BIG cheque for £13,756 to Margaret Datson, Pancreatic Cancer UK Ambassador. This money is the amazing result of 85 gigs performed by the club’s players over the past 12 months. It brings the total of cash raised for different charities by the ukulele group to an astonishing £82,322 since 2013. Mr Phillips said:
“The club has gone from strength to strength in its fundraising activities and it is wonderful that the generosity of the public is such that we are able to raise these funds while we are all enjoying ourselves playing. Long may it continue and we hope to raise similar amounts in the future. Thanks must go to the dedication of our members who turn out in all conditions to entertain and raise funds for well-deserving charities”.
“The club has gone from strength to strength in its fundraising activities and it is wonderful that the generosity of the public is such that we are able to raise these funds while we are all enjoying ourselves playing. Long may it continue and we hope to raise similar amounts in the future. Thanks must go to the dedication of our members who turn out in all conditions to entertain and raise funds for well-deserving charities”.