Appearances - 2018
Were you there? - have you got any comments or pickies for any of the appearances below? if so, please let us know
Most videos of our song performances can be found in the Appearances pages. To see ALL the videos we have uploaded, please visit the Club Uketube channel
19/12/18 Sky Lounge, Worcester
Hi everyone, last gig of the year and it rocked. The band rocked and the audience rocked! The audience sang, they clapped and they rattled and shook Trevor’s percussion bits, and at the end they wanted more!! It was joyful and fun. A huge thank you to all who sang and played today. You were awesome. Thank you to Rob P for great leading in on the ‘normal’ songs whilst I did the Christmas songs and his excellent ‘bongolele’ playing on Mary’s Boy Child. Thank you to John H for his brilliant bass playing which kept us all together and to Trevor for his unique ‘scat’ singing on ‘I wanna be like you’. And not forgetting the kazoo players!!! Thank you to John H and Trevor for agreeing to be ‘ladies’ in ‘Must be Santa’ in order to get the balance of 5W/5M instead of 3W/7M in the singing. You both obviously did very well as that song got the loudest cheer! So, well done everyone. An excellent gig. Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all in 2019, Eirlys
19/12/18 Probus Christmas Concert, Avoncroft Arts Centre
Thank you to all who played this morning at Avoncroft Arts Centre, we managed to get them going in the end. It was a bit challenging to get them joining in but after the break we got them on our side and letting themselves go. Men are much more reserved than women when it comes to singing along. We managed to raise £43.59 in the buckets so well done everyone. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year and I hope to see you all in the Worcester Room at the Uni next year, John
18/12/18 Kempsey Tuesday Friendship Club, Seabourne Inn Kempsey
A big thank you... to the intrepid giggers braving the worst weather to be thrown at us to play at Kempsey for the Tuesday Friendship Club. The audience showed their appreciation by throwing some contributions into the charity bucket in addition to the gig fee. Colin's solo in 'Tickle my Heart' was probably the catalyst for their generosity. Well done, one and all, and a very Merry Christmas to everyone, Virginia
12/12/18 WI Christmas Meeting, Worcester Pump House
The five of us down for performing this gig today were very apprehensive as it’s not often we do such a small gig. However, it was a CRACKER! It went extremely well and I want to thank Rob (P), Trevor, Phil and Patrick for a brilliant performance. Spot on with no mistakes!! Special thank you to Rob for his bongolele accompaniment - Calypso and cha cha cha style. It worked a treat... and the audience were great as they sang with us and rattled the percussion instruments (Thanks Trevor and also for the ad libs) for the whole hour. The lady who organised it said - This is now the start of Christmas for us and you have made it joyful and fun. So, Thank you all so much, Eirlys
6-7/12/18 Halesowen Masons Ladies Informal Evening / Cradley British Legion
Both gigs were successful with good playing and decent audiences. The Freemasons gig especially so with excellent reaction / participation from the audience. We were also paid a decent gig fee and the Freemasons are donating their raffle proceeds (around £250) to WUC for us to pass on to Parkinson’s. If we get other Freemasons gigs then you should be signing up to play!
5/12/18 Viscount Cobham Court, Malvern
Well what a great band you were..... extremely tight playing, with great singing and enthusiastic repartee with the audience, one of the best little gigs I have played recently! The audience was limited due to a funeral but the ones there were very jolly and joined in well with our mix of songs. Special thank you to Eirlys for helping with leading on the Christmas numbers, John for organising the gear and playing his usual solid bass lines that keep us all together and Trev for his scat vocals on `Wanna be like you`!!! The mince pies and tea were well received also. What a nice way to spend an afternoon!!! Thank you all, Rob
5/12/18 WI, Crowle
3/12/18 Bluebell Farm Inn, Worcester
It looks some Wuccies enjoyed themselves at the Bluebell today... wonder if they left any cake? :-)
Click here for the video |
2/12/18 The Firs, Elgars' Birthplace, Lower Broadheath
Dear All, Thank you so much for turning out to a venue that was virtually empty. Having said that we collected £49.33. Thanks to Anne who jingled her way through most of the Christmas songs. Playing, singing and jingling while standing on one leg. Talent indeed. Thanks to the team for reminding me to play the intro before singing, ( though not until after I’d started singing!) The bass player usually gets a mention so thanks Geoff. Thanks too to Laura who stepped in, (wearing her best shoes), at the last minute. There may be a follow up gig next year if they liked this one, I didn’t hear anything that led me to believe there won’t be. Thanks again, Elaine
P.S. Sir Edward didn’t complain! |
1 - 2 /12/18 Worcester Xmas Markets
Well done to all who braved the elements and crowds this weekend at the Xmas Markets :-)
Well done Wuccies for last weekend. From personal experience I know that we performed very well on Friday and Saturday. Not easy when there are so many of us playing outdoors and I understand that our wall of sound could be heard all along the Shambles. Also good to see so many old friends in the video clip from Bell Square thta was posted on Facebook by Mick M. I’m sure that Sunday’s performances were equally as brilliant! As usual thanks to our bass players for keeping us in order but extra special thanks to Eirlys for beating us and the Christmas songs into shape. Colin
28/11/18 Over 60's Cornflower Club, Kempsey Parish Hall
Lyn led a group of 15 Wuccies playing a gig in Kempsey Parish Hall:-
"A HUGE thank you to everyone who played at The Cornflower Club this afternoon. Everyone enjoyed it (including us WUCCIES I think)" Tea & biscuits were enjoyed afterwards - look at their happy smiling faces - doesn't take much to please them!! |
24/11/18 Christopher Whitehead Language College, Worcester
Many thanks to the band who turned out for the gig today and the launch of this year's Christmas songs. First I must apologise for confusing everyone by my pencilled in count in for 'Must be Santa Claus'. This did not work well, so please feel free to rub it out! The rest went well except one where we slowed too much at the end. Eirlys deserves huge thanks for leading the Christmas practices and introducing the Calypso Carol. I'm quite sure that today would not have gone as well without all her hard work. Also, thanks to Elaine for introducing "Ilkley Shepherds". As ever, thanks to John for keeping us together with the bass. It's a huge help with a big band spread across the stage. We rattled some buckets for Headway (thanks Geoff) and collected some small change (£22.93), left after the retail storm that was the college Christmas Fayre. Mind you, after the Children in Need effort it's surprising that anyone in Worcester has any money left! Thanks again to all who played. Allan
16/11/18 Children in Need, Crowngate Shopping Centre Worcester
"The final total raised for Children in Need was £2,118.99 The break down was £27 Herons Park Dementia Unit, £280.55 Clarence Park Retirement Village and £1,811.44 at Crowngate Shopping Centre, a magnificent effort all round! Thank you to everyone for your hard work and enthusiasm, to the newbies who took a leap of faith in joining us, the bucket collectors, Geoff for the photographs, Anne for organising Pudsey photographs, gig leaders for leading us brilliantly and last but by no means least the magnificent Pudsey Volunteers, who had to squeeze themselves into the tightest of Pudsey suits and then prance around! Without Pudsey we wouldn’t raise half as much money! It was indeed a hectic few days; but like me I hope you feel it was worth it!". Rosemary
15/11/18 Herons Park Dementia Unit, Kidderminster
11/11/18 Sapey Golf Club
Thanks to the jolly band who played 18 holes at Sapey Golf Club today. I think we only went into the rough twice but chipped out in great style! The mix of 100 year old songs with the usual up to minute!? WUCCY fare went down well with the diners. We were thanked very prettilly by the organiser (who says she wants us again next year) and 2 members of the audience asked for our details for possible gigs. Thanks to Trevor and John H for providing song packs and extra songs and thanks to Geoff for playing bass and giving John H a day off to play the uke! Allan.
10/11/18 Hunters Inn, Longdon
Mark led a small, select group of Wuccies at the Hunters Inn, Longdon on Saturday, celebrating Sue's 80th birthday.
10/11/18 Court House
Thanks to the band who played at Hollybush House (part of Court House) today. Special thanks to Geoff for playing bass and to Trev for the tailored song packs and "Paint it Black" (the answer to the Green Door that's been the same colour for so many years!). Another good performance much enjoyed by the residents, staff and Janet, the birthday girl. This was the 6th time we've played at Court House this year......maybe a WUC record? Allan.
07/11/18 Chaddesley Corbett WI Meeting
Hi Everyone, After seeing us play at Avoncroft Museum earlier in the year, the lovely ladies of Chaddesley Corbett WI invited us to play at their party evening celebrating 100 years since the forming of the Worcestershire Branch of the WI. They were dressed in typical costumes of the day and made food and cakes from recipes from that time. They asked that we provide songbooks with the words for our songs but I think most of them knew all the words without looking and were singing along from the first song. Before long we had the back row rocking in unison and eventually, they were on their feet, singing and clapping along. The evening concluded by everyone tucking into the spread, there were some interesting things like Goldfish loaf, (I was told it was salmon in it and not real goldfish) and a rye bread loaf that looked rather like a hedgehog, but everything tasted really good and the scones with real homemade strawberry jam were excellent. All in all, a very enjoyable evening, I hope we get asked back again. John
27/10/18 Alice and Phil's Wedding
Hi all. Thanks very much to the excellent band who played at Alice and Phil's wedding in Birmingham today. Despite a small snowstorm and road closure, we made it to the venue in the minibus provided by the happy couple and played 2 sets which were much appreciated by the guests with a fair bit of dancing and applause. Numerous compliments at the end. Despite the generous gig fee and provision of the minibus, the bride and groom asked if we would like to do a separate collection for our charity and we found £114.43 in Elaine's uke case at the end! Thanks as ever to John for playing bass and to everyone else for singing and playing so well. Allan.
19/10/18 Cradley British Legion
Thanks for playing at the Cradley Britsh Legion gig. It was an enjoyable, albeit long, evening. We played and sang well and our audience liked us. Eric and Ernie would have liked the dancing. Special thanks to the less experienced members of our band, Geoff on bass, the power trio (Eirlys, John H and Rob), soloists (John D, Trevor and Colin) and Paddy McGinty.
We also sold one club CD even though I forgot to mention them! Colin |
17/10/18 Court House
Thanks to the select band who played at Court House (Beacon House) today. We have almost become the house band for Court House as we will have played there 5 times this year come November! Another good clear, tight performance, a good sound enjoyed by the residents and staff. Thanks to Geoff who played bass and thanks to Paul W who noticed that we had one member off sick and turned up at short notice. Allan.
13/10/18 LGGF Annual Pink Ball, Coventry
8/10/18 Juniper House, Worcester
Many thanks to those who played at Juniper House today (many of whom also helped out with the workshop in the morning). This was an excellent performance which was accompanied by lots of dancing (even by a dog, believe it or not)! The sixties theme suited our repertoire to a "T". Some lovely backing from the ladies in Last Dance and Jet Plane and generally a tight and "professional" performance. Well done. As well as our gig fee, Juniper House also gave us an extra donation which will go to Headway. They also gave us a splendid tea!....thanks Juniper House. Allan.
21/9/18 St Mary's Church, Malvern
Thanks to all who played for St Mary's senior residents today. We put on a good show and received lots of compliments. Thanks to Mark for playing bass, Geoff for the photos and Trev for providing a bag full of percussion instruments for audience to rattle and bang! We also sold 2 CD's so I'll have to stock up again! Allan
21/9/18 Worcester Oddfellows
Worcester Ukulele Club and Frilly Lilly (an offshoot of WUC) both played at the Guild Hall for Worcester Oddfellows today. The photo shows the Frilly Lillies in full flow. All went well until we sang Bring Me Sunshine and then it rained! Colin
18/9/18 Upton Baptist Church CAMEO (Come And Meet Each Other)
This afternoon's (CAMEO) gig at the Upton Baptist Church turned out to be an excellent performance, with a strong band of 17 Wuccies who turned up to play. Every gig has a moment of drama, which on this occasion was provided by Eirlys, who had to return home to get her Uke and just made it back in time for the start!!! The words to all the songs were projected onto a large screen, so we had plenty of enthusiastic audience participation. The songs were very well received by our audience, as we sang and played really well. We treated the audience to the world premiere of 'Teenager In Love' with harmonies. (Thanks Allan, your hi-lighted song sheet was very useful). We were served with some very generous tea and cakes after the performance and there is already an invite to return to play again, as they were so impressed with us! Thanks to all who assisted with setting up and packing away, especially to Jean for sharing the lead and to Geoff for playing bass for us. So, well done everyone. A very enjoyable afternoon!! Cheers Rob & Jean
12-15/9/18 Swan Theatre Gala, Worcester
Well, what can I say, after 2 excellent gigs on Friday and Saturday afternoon, we went into overdrive and blew them all away tonight. I am immensely proud of you all, the amount of effort that has been put in by everyone to get to grips with what we had let ourselves in for and rise to the challenge of learning songs and learning moves, a very different scenario to our normal gigs. We were cheered onstage in the second act of each and every performance. I hope you have all enjoyed the experience and will be up for another one should the opportunity arise. To cap it all, we have raised almost £170 for Headway and will be receiving half the raffle money when it has been counted. I am sitting here with half a pint of G&T, still buzzing, hope you all feel the same. See you Monday, John
9/9/18 Malvern Wells Summer Fete
5/9/18 Arley House Care Home, Stourport
A great big ‘thank you’ to the select band of ukulelists who played and sang so well for the residents of Areley House Care Home, Stourport, today. We performed our songlist of 16 songs almost faultlessly, I thought and definitely molto con brio! The audience reacted brilliantly. The percussion instruments were snapped up, and rattles were rattled, bells rung, shakers shooken and maracas… er… maracad! One lady sang along with every word of every song on our list, whilst one gentleman sprang to his feet and danced to every song! We got many positive comments from the audience at the end. Once again, it was a very joyous experience, and I - for one - look forward to going there again. Trevor
1/9/18 Peopleton Show
Well once more the sun shone on Peopleton and we had a glorious day for our show. The Uke Club Band expanded to around 23 players this year (I wasn`t exactly sure how many of us were on that stage but it looked a lot!). Many thanks to all of you who turned up to play and play you did, very well indeed!! It sounded good to me at my end and there were several very positive comments from the crowd afterwards. We also collected over fifty pounds in the charity buckets so many thanks to Roger and others who went among the crowd. Thanks also to John for his usual excellent support on Bass and also acting as sound engineer for the whole afternoon. Quite a number of you arrived in time to hear an excellent set from Lyn and her Jazz group and then stayed on afterwards to enjoy the rest of the show. A great day all round!!! Rob
1/9/18 Betty's Party
Many thanks to all who took part in the Gig at Court House, Malvern, this morning, where we helped celebrate Betty’s 93rd birthday. Club member Terry - Betty’s son-in-law - chose a cracking set of songs from our gig-packs, which were performed to a very appreciative audience by a small, but strong, group of players. Many of the audience joined in with the singing, and feet were a-tapping everywhere! It was a pleasure and an honour to be part of such a joyful and joyous celebration. And thanks, also, to Terry and Sally (probably more Sally than Terry! 😉) for the delicious cake!
Highlight of the morning for me: When I introduced “Green Door”, one of the elderly gentlemen residents of the home asked, “Isn’t is time they painted it?” Priceless! 😊
Highlight of the morning for me: When I introduced “Green Door”, one of the elderly gentlemen residents of the home asked, “Isn’t is time they painted it?” Priceless! 😊
26/8/18 Pershore Plum Festival - Bell Inn Beer Festival
A busy bank holiday Sunday for the Wuccies in the rain! In the morning a large group played at the Pershore Plum Festival, in the rain! In the afternoon another big group (some daft enough to have played in the morning at Pershore!) appeared at the Bell Beer festival in Broadheath, (also) in the rain! It takes more than a drop of rain to deter the Wuccies!!
25/8/18 Sounds Amazing - WI Festival of Music & Lights
Dear Colin and band members,
A huge THANK YOU for performing at Sounds Amazing on Saturday night and helping the WI celebrate 100 years in style amongst the historic buildings of Avoncroft Museum. It was an evening to remember and we hoped you enjoyed the unique experience. It was the first time we have ever put on an event of this type, in a venue we had not used before that was outdoors and weather dependent. We were excited at the potential and you helped us realise our ambitions and exceed our vision for a memorable celebration of the performing arts. The audience feedback has been fabulous and I wish you could see the glowing feedback from WI members, the county committees and their friends and families who loved the variety of the programme, informal atmosphere and are describing it as “an amazing night to remember”. Comments include:
“It was amazing…this memorable centenary celebration”
“The most fabulous evening and I know from feedback that we made our audience extremely happy”
“My sincere thanks to all the performers who were marvellous without exception” - Sue S, Chair of the Worcestershire Federation of WI’s.
“Tremendous thanks to everyone who contributed to a marvellous evening. All my friends who came thought it was absolutely wonderful” - Liz G (Chair of the Performing Arts Committee who organised the event).
The Ukelele Band proved to be one of the big hits of the evening; you looked and sounded wonderful; what fun! Thank you again for making ‘Sounds Amazing’ such a success.
Best wishes
Pat G
Artistic Director/Sounds Amazing
Katherine G
Performing Arts Committee
A huge THANK YOU for performing at Sounds Amazing on Saturday night and helping the WI celebrate 100 years in style amongst the historic buildings of Avoncroft Museum. It was an evening to remember and we hoped you enjoyed the unique experience. It was the first time we have ever put on an event of this type, in a venue we had not used before that was outdoors and weather dependent. We were excited at the potential and you helped us realise our ambitions and exceed our vision for a memorable celebration of the performing arts. The audience feedback has been fabulous and I wish you could see the glowing feedback from WI members, the county committees and their friends and families who loved the variety of the programme, informal atmosphere and are describing it as “an amazing night to remember”. Comments include:
“It was amazing…this memorable centenary celebration”
“The most fabulous evening and I know from feedback that we made our audience extremely happy”
“My sincere thanks to all the performers who were marvellous without exception” - Sue S, Chair of the Worcestershire Federation of WI’s.
“Tremendous thanks to everyone who contributed to a marvellous evening. All my friends who came thought it was absolutely wonderful” - Liz G (Chair of the Performing Arts Committee who organised the event).
The Ukelele Band proved to be one of the big hits of the evening; you looked and sounded wonderful; what fun! Thank you again for making ‘Sounds Amazing’ such a success.
Best wishes
Pat G
Artistic Director/Sounds Amazing
Katherine G
Performing Arts Committee
18/8/18 Salwarpe Fete
Many thanks to the excellent band who played at Salwarpe today. We were well looked after this year with a mini marquee and a good place for the audience. We sang and played very well indeed and there were several really nice compliments from the audience. Very special thanks to Geoff for playing bass using his new battery operated amp. bought specially for such occasions. I believe that Elaine had something to do with the purchase as well! The wind (usual Salwarpe south westerly) diverted our sound somewhat but the Salwarpe organiser implied that there might be some mics next year. Allan.
18/8/18 Wedding In The Woods (unofficial gig)
12/8/18 Court House
Thanks to all who played at Court House today (third gig there this year). Once the leader had counted the band in properly (sorry about the Buddy Holly song!), everyone sang and played well. Hannah (in charge) said there were a lot of complements. Special thanks to Trev for producing the very appropriate "English Country Garden" to kick off with. Thanks also to Court House for a very nice atmosphere and a delicious tea! Allan.
8/8/18 Juniper House Care Home
Hi to all my great players/singers... Thank you all for your support today on my scary initiation as gig leader. Top playing and brilliant singing with John's terrific accompaniment to back us. The audience were in the moment, especially the lady with the hip replacement who took to the floor several times to test it out!!! The activities coordinator Val, can't wait to make another booking. I think you can say we went down a storm. Thanks again,
Virginia 😋 |
7/8/18 Vintage Tea Party for the MHA Charity
Hi to all who played at The Vintage Tea Party today. Many, many thanks to you all- it was a brilliant gig and everyone played REALLY well (many thanks for covering up my one ‘miscount’!!) Thanks again to John for the excellent Bass playing to keep us in order and time! We had them well wound up after their lunch didn’t we? Dancing in the aisles and singing along with us!! Everyone really enjoyed themselves and we were paid some very nice compliments. Elaine (the organiser) was very well pleased and wants to book us again next year!! That says it all! Have a great gig tomorrow Virginia and have a fun week! See you all (& Gary) next week, Cheers Lyn
5/8/18 Band In The Park - Cripplegate, Worcester
Thanks to all who played at Cripplegate today. Another scorcher and the weather was quite hot as well. A special thanks to Geoff who played bass for us today (using John H's amp....thanks John!). As ever, the bass held the big band together well. We had an enthusiastic audience which included Alice and Phil whose wedding we'll be playing at in October. It was nice to meet them. As well as the £50 gig fee, we collected £34.90 in the Headway buckets. Pat, the organiser said that she had had a lot of complimentary comments, so well done everyone. Allan.
Hello Allan, Many thanks for the email. I had a great time at my first (of many I hope) gig. Again many thanks for leading and I really did have a great time, as did my friends who came along. They said it was one of the best afternoons they had had in a long time. Regards, Steve J
4/8/18 Plum Alley High Street, Pershore
A big thank you to everyone who played so well at today’s gig, and to Mark for turning up with his bass to keep us all in time. I think we went down well with the shoppers in Pershore this morning, and raised a total of £53.32 in the buckets. Thank you to Jane and Wendy for taking the buckets around and trying to sell CDs. We didn’t sell any, but did someone remember take our sign off the front of the table? Thanks again to you all, Phil
28/7/18 Malvern View Holiday Park
Hi All, Well what a great gig today, the sound was tremendous, so tight, not a note out of place. Despite Moyra being the only audience at first, the tables were full by the end of the first number. Everyone joined in and sang along with gusto, particularly Dave and his wife who seemed to know all the words to every song. They enjoyed it so much, we may see them at the club in future. He was particularly pleased and cheered loudly when we announced we were going to play a song by the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. He told me afterwards that he had seen them several times in Bristol. Finally, I have had a count up and we raised the amazing amount of £57.88 in the buckets, well played everyone and a special thank you to Geoff for playing bass and to Elaine for organising it. Fantastic gig, see you at the next one, John
Hi Elaine and Geoff, It was fantastic this afternoon. You were all so enjoying the playing and singing – it was infectious. I knew quite a few of the songs and enjoyed singing along with you. Well done all of you, Moyra
25/7/18 Claines Royal British Legion
Hi All, A big thank you to all who played at the Legion today, I thought we sounded great and I'm sure the members of the Seniors Club thought the same. Most were singing along and we even got them up and dancing a couple of times. Thanks very much to Mark for playing bass, it was great to hear him and gave me a chance to play uke for once. Thanks also to Rob for his harmonica and bongolele playing and for taking my jokes in good humor. Finally, a big thank you to all who packed away the stands and music, that was the slickest I have ever seen it done, fantastic thank you. See you all soon John
22/7/18 Cripplegate Park - Hot Hot Hot!
Many thanks to those who played in the intense heat at Cripplegate today. We had an appreciative audience which grew as the afternoon went on. They demanded an encore so we had to pretend that we were teenagers (in love) for the second time! We are at Cripplegate again on 5th August. Better make sure we play from packs 1,2 or 3 (we did 4 and 5 today). Allan
21/7/18 Wichenford Fete
8/7/18 Oddfellows and Teme Valley Roundup
Thanks to anyone who played at either of today’s gigs and special thanks to anyone who played at both. It was very hot at this morning’s Teme Valley Market gig. I deliberately picked two gig packs that I didn’t think had been played much and despite that we played well. Thanks to our duo of bass players!
This afternoon’s gig for the Oddfellows was indoors and much cooler and the ten person band played and sang well although Colin did finish the Last Dance With Me solo by ending the song a line early. Sorry! Thanks to Mark for his bass. Colin
This afternoon’s gig for the Oddfellows was indoors and much cooler and the ten person band played and sang well although Colin did finish the Last Dance With Me solo by ending the song a line early. Sorry! Thanks to Mark for his bass. Colin
8/7/18 Teme Valley Farmers Market
7/7/18 75th Birthday Party at Court House
Many thanks to the heat resistant mini-band who entertained the Court House residents at the 75th Birthday party today. The birthday girl was very pleased and the residents joined in well. Feelin' groovy was so relaxed that the leader zizzed off on his feet for a few bars but apparently, at least one band member didn't notice! Sadly (for the band) such was their efficiency in clearing up and getting off to see the footy, that all except yours truly and Dave S missed the round of iced lollies served up by the hard pressed staff after the performance! (We could have eaten everyone else's but we weren't that greedy!). Allan.
1/7/18 Go Bright for Sight Colour Run Festival
30/6/18 Fund Raiser for Ubuntu Uganda, Kempsey
A BIG thank you to everyone who played at Kempsey Village Hall to raise money to help make a difference to the lives of disabled children in Uganda. We had a small but very grateful audience and so many people came up afterwards to say how good we sounded. It appears we have also recruited a new ukulele-playing member to our club and got at least one more booking. Thank you to Colin for leading, Mark for playing bass and Trevor for his African song and fabulous outfits. Thank you all.
27/6/18 Sight Concern Social Club, Christ Church Malvern
Hello all who played this afternoon’s gig in Malvern. Even to the majority of you who were standing outside at 20 past 2, scaring me to death. I thought it was going to be a duet with Ken. Then John, detoured to the wrong church. Never have I been so pleased to see anyone! Thanks to Virginia for being there to catch me if I fainted! It was hot enough, but I managed not to. So, apologies for the speed of the two harmony but, as the bard would say “all’s well that ends well”. Thanks everybody, Elaine (Very Sorry, John)
24/6/18 Upton Jazz Festival
Well done everyone today, a great gig which was enjoyed by all who watched us, we had them dancing in the isles. We had loads of great comments from the audience and we were even stopped on the street as we were leaving. Everyone played really well and the sound was tight and professional. Thanks to those who helped me with Gertie and the Gear and to Phil for playing Bongolele in Rudy. We raised an excellent £64.61 in the buckets plus one CD.
Here is what Eirlys sent me earlier:
One couple came up to me at the end to say we were much better than the group they were with and were very impressed with our song layout and paper and they are going to go onto our website to look at our songs. Another couple wanted a list of all the places we are singing in over the summer so they could come to hear us again so I said I’d send them a list. Another lady said how much she liked the harmonising in the songs. Another lady, who would not admit to what age she was other than to say she was very old, commented on how joyful we all sounded - as if we were enjoying ourselves! Which we were, of course! Two people stopped me on the way to the Car park to say ‘Oh, you were with the ukulele band. It was great,’
And, people stopped Bev to say we sounded fantastic from the boat they were on and how lovely it was to see people dancing to the music. See you soon, John
Here is what Eirlys sent me earlier:
One couple came up to me at the end to say we were much better than the group they were with and were very impressed with our song layout and paper and they are going to go onto our website to look at our songs. Another couple wanted a list of all the places we are singing in over the summer so they could come to hear us again so I said I’d send them a list. Another lady said how much she liked the harmonising in the songs. Another lady, who would not admit to what age she was other than to say she was very old, commented on how joyful we all sounded - as if we were enjoying ourselves! Which we were, of course! Two people stopped me on the way to the Car park to say ‘Oh, you were with the ukulele band. It was great,’
And, people stopped Bev to say we sounded fantastic from the boat they were on and how lovely it was to see people dancing to the music. See you soon, John
23/6/18 Worcester Motor Show
Thanks to everyone (especially John on bass) who played at Worcester Motor show yesterday. We were first on at 10:00 am but we played well and an audience did build up as we played. We collected £79.29 for Headway which included £36.79 from the lovely ladies of Funky Faces and thanks also to Geoff for rattling the Headway buckets. Colin
22/6/18 Claines Primary School Summer Fayre
Very well done to the 14 Wuccies who played exceptionally well at Claines School today. We gave them a good rousing couple of sets and even managed to accompany the school children (nearly all 200 of them!!!!) on their rendition of Yellow Submarine. Many thanks for all your help setting up and packing away and to those who posed as 'bollards' to reserve a parking space for John H......who then drove into the wrong space!!! Despite the 'busyness' we were appreciated by a select audience and thanked by the organisers. We even managed to collect a few pounds in the buckets. Well done all......the sun shone and we had a good time!!! Rob
17/6/18 Three Counties Show
Thanks to all who played at the Three Counties Show today. We made some good music. The set on the Severn Arts stage was enriched by determined dancing by a small boy whose mother kept him going with frequent doses of lunch. Then onto the Church stage where we played another good set. The lightweight RAT stands required ballasting with handy bags of compost in the fresh breeze. We finished off with 16 hymns (courtesy of Bill and Trevor, I believe) in a singalong session. A very enjoyable day. Allan.
16/6/18 Fundraiser, Ombersley Memorial Hall
An extra massive thank you to the hardy souls who did yet another gig this weekend. The Ombersley audience enjoyed our show and the event raised a remarkable £500 for Headway (+ another £500 for the Ombersley Charity). Thanks again to all who played, Allan.
Hi all. I thought you'd like to see feedback from the Ombersley Fundraiser on Saturday:
" Thank you all. Great choice of songs. Fantastic performance. "Field's of Athenry" went down a treat with the Irish guy in the audience. Hi ho a great song to end the evening. Quite a few said "way better than last year". Your style of music (is) "a win win combination " ... A brilliant brilliant evening thank you all so very very much. See you next year."
So well done everyone. Allan.
" Thank you all. Great choice of songs. Fantastic performance. "Field's of Athenry" went down a treat with the Irish guy in the audience. Hi ho a great song to end the evening. Quite a few said "way better than last year". Your style of music (is) "a win win combination " ... A brilliant brilliant evening thank you all so very very much. See you next year."
So well done everyone. Allan.
16/6/18 Ken's 75th Birthday Party
15/6/18 Upton Ukulele Festival
A Big Thank You to all who played, it was a great shame that there weren't many people there as we played two brilliant sets. Considering that there were so many of us, they were an amazingly tight performances, well done gang. A member of the audience stopped Eirlys and said "That was a great set" at the Star. Hope you all enjoyed the day, see you soon, John
10/6/18 Severn Valley Railway
Wonderful day. Carrie |
A really great trip man. Thanks to all involved with organisation. Best wishes, AllanWhat a fantastic trip on the train we’ve had today! :-) Mega thanks to the organisers... who excelled in perfect planning, perfect singing, lovely food, plus unexpected pudding! And... gorgeous weather :-) Lorry
9/6/18 Bromyard Scarecrow Festival Supper
Thanks to all who played at the very warm Bromyard Scarecrow Festival Supper last night. The audience seemed to enjoy the show. An encore was requested but politely refused on the grounds that we'd already exhausted 2 gig packs and heat stroke was about to set in! Allan.
8/6/18 St Peters Baptist Church, Ukuleles and Canapés
Thanks to all who played at St Peter's last night. We had a small but appreciative audience including a tiny baby who decided in favour of sleep rather than singing (yowling) along despite our vigorous renditions! Thanks to St Peter's for interesting "mocktails" (non alcoholic cocktails), tasty canapes and home made cake and a blessing at the end! We also did a new number "Is this the way to (do the end of) Amarillo".... (3 beats on A then La La - La on E7, E7 and A)...will be perfect soon! Best wishes, Allan.
6/6/18 Areley House Care Home
Thanks to all who sang and played with skill and spirit at Areley House yesterday. Another excellent performance. Allan.
2/6/18 European Doctors Orchestra Gala Dinner, Warwick University
![]() Thanks to all that made the trip over to the University of Warwick last evening to play at the (EDO) gala dinner. We were in the suburbs of Coventry - and there was another big band like us in town - the Rolling Stones at the Ricoh. We had a wonderful audience - they were whooping and singing along from the start - we'd got spare ukes and kazoos(!) - and a number of the Doctors Orchestra joined us on stage - and it might have been the only time a BBC Young Musician of the Year will ever play with us. Jess Gillam, saxophonist, was there to play with the orchestra at their gala concert later today - seems she can also play the ukulele.
There's twitterings and pics here - - and a short video clip of Jess in action with us. One of the twitterings on the evening is... Enjoying our gala dinner and listening to the uketastic sounds of @WorcesterUke - fabulous! .... l can't add much to that! Thanks to John H for leading and bringing his sound system - we needed it to compete with the community singing - and spoon playing. We had a fee for the job - and the Headway collecting buckets weren't rattling too easily - as there were loads of notes in them! Thanks again - and my GP was so pleased with our performance, I might get my shoulder fixed much quicker now. Bill |
Thanks Bill, a great night and everyone played their socks off. I would like to say a big thank you to all those who brought spare ukes and were so ready to demonstrate the chord shapes. A special mention to Trevor who came armed with a bag full of Kazoos, they were eagerly grabbed and played all night, a master stroke. I think it was he who also had the bright idea of turning the music stand banner around so that the chord shapes could be seen. Clever Trevor! A big thank you to those who drove last night and brought other members. Here's a note I received from Rosemary this morning at twenty past midnight:
Great night John! Just to let you know one of the doctors said to Anne and I we had inspired her to play the ukulele. She works with the elderly and uses singing; but now she is going to use the ukulele to! Inspired what better accolade could we have than that!!👍x I think we ought to campaign for Ukes on prescription, they lighten the burden of life on your heart!!! Finally, a huge thank you to Louise who liaised with us and was kind enough to go around with the Headway bucket collecting. We raised the grand total of £147.43 which is fantastic. Thank you very much. See you all soon, John |
31/05/18 Young at Heart, St Pauls Church, Worcester
Hi Everyone, Thanks to everyone who played for the Young At Heart today. They want us back and I was happy with how we played. I know I can be a miserable, hard to please grump at times so we must have sounded good. Special thanks to John for the bass playing and we will no doubt be getting some interesting photos from Geoff and I can measure how far my nasal hair has grown since Sunday 20th May. The new gig packs are excellent. Colin
26/05/18 Mello Festival, Hanley Castle
Many thanks to all the Mello(w) giggers who played today. Despite the large band we sang and played well together underpinned by John's bass. Our small but select fan club seemed to enjoy the show. Well done everyone! Allan.
There was beautiful weather for Saturday's gig at the Mello Festival. 22 Wuccies, led by Allan, played & sang their hearts out:-
"Many thanks to all the Mello(w) giggers who played today. Despite the large band, we sang and played well together, underpinned by John's bass. Our small but select fan club seemed to enjoy the show. Well done everyone!" |
20/05/18 Hanley Swan Village Hall, Charity Tea Party
Dear All, Thanks for today - as usual we went down well with the assembled crowd - Ursula has already booked us through to May 2020 - and will confirm the 2021 date as soon as possible. Attached a pic of us in action. Takes a long time to pack up at Hanley Swan - too many people saying Thank You! Bill
17/05/18 Viscount Cobham Court, Worcester
A big thank you to everyone who performed at Viscount Cobham Court today. It was an excellent gig. The response from the audience was great with singing, clapping and even dancing by the end. Several people said it had been a joyful afternoon and fun. Two ladies said that we had taken them down ‘Memory Lane’ and it had made them very happy. What better compliment could we get than to be told we had made people happy! They want us back in June and they want to book us for their Christmas event. Thank you Mark for keeping us together and your spot on timing. Thank you Rob for the brilliant harmonica playing which went down a treat as did your (and our) version of Save the Last Dance for me!! Thank you all for your help with Health & Safety, Amps etc., Songsheets, stands, carrying heavy bags, stories, etc. A great team effort! A very enjoyable afternoon with delicious homemade cakes and tea/coffee to follow. Well done everyone. All the best, Eirlys ☀️😀🎶🎸
10/05/18 Perry Manor Care Home, Worcester
To all of you who took part in today’s gig, a very big thank you from me. You were awesome. It was a joy to lead you. Everyone was spot on - fast, slow, whatever I did, I knew you would be right there on the note and on the beat with me. Brilliant. A special thank you to you Mark for keeping the exact beat I wanted without having having to say a word to you! And to you John H. Just you standing on the other end on the front line gives me confidence as I know you would catch me if I should fall! Thank you. Thank you to you Trevor for being in charge of Song packs and stands. Thank you to you Anne for being in charge of percussion. You were just the person to encourage the residents to try them out and get involved. In fact you did such a good job that I think nearly every item was used. (Several items were recovered from handbags etc at the end of the day and, as far as I know, only one piece has gone missing - Anne’s blue bells! We’re hoping that will appear later today!) Thank you to you Steve for taking the photographs.
05/05/18 St Richards Boat Festival, Droitwich
The weather certainly worked in our favour at St Richard's Canal Festival today. The crowd was in party mood and pleased to have a drink in the shade rather than sheltering from the torrential rain we had last year. We had them singing along right from the start and loved the good natured banter with the guy on the right who had obviously been sampling as many beers as he could. We had a great turnout, the playing was faultless, including some of our colleagues from Droitwich Club who fitted in seamlessly and never missed a beat. A great performance all round. I think the rapturous applause and cries of Encore said it all and our rendering of Delilah is becoming legendary. Anyway enough of the hyperbole, Sue and Nigel said it sounded great so that's good enough for us. A big thank you to everyone that played, see you at the next one, John
23/04/18 Court House Care Home
Thanks to all who sang and played at Court House Care Home today. We sang and played well and the audience and staff seemed to like the performance of English with Elvis! This finished off a busy weekend, so I hope you're not too exhausted to make it to club night tonight (at Warndon)! Allan.
Can you spot the special guest?
22/04/18 St George's Day In The Park, Gheluvelt Park, Worcester
Hi All, Well, what can I say? Another great gig this afternoon. It sounded really good, particularly in the second set, not a note out of place except for me of course. Sorry about the funny noises in one number, my new wireless connection ran out of battery. I only used it for the first time on Friday so I expected the batteries to last at least a couple of gigs. It was a pity the audience were so far away, it's always better when you can hear them joining in as many of them were, still I think they enjoyed themselves and that is the main thing. I hope you all grinned as much as I did, I just love it when it sounds so good. New batteries for gig number 3 tomorrow, over to you Allan. Keep smilin', John
Hello Colin, On behalf of the Friends of Gheluvelt Park, a very big thank you to your members who turned out yesterday for the St. George's Day event. As usual they put on a really good show which went down really well with the audience. I also saw them this afternoon at Court House Nursing Home where they were very well received by the residents. Please thank everybody for giving up their free time - it is very much appreciated. Kind Regards, Sally O
20/04/18 Rocklands Social Club, Redditch
Hi Everyone, Thanks to the Fabulous Fourteen who ventured into the north of the county and played at Rocklands on Friday night. It was very interesting and enjoyable listening to the Primrose Chorus and the school choir (and) when WUC played and the whole place joined in. There were some fabulous compliments after the event. Colin
I would like to add my personal thanks to Colin and fellow wuccies who played last Friday. As a member of the Primrose Choir, I loaned a copy of a CD recorded by the World Ranked 14 Ukulele Band to our Musical Director Kay and so the joint venture was arranged. This was the 1st concert to be held in the Spring by the PC and was supposedly meant to be a Mini Concert which became a Mega success. Several of the long serving choir members approached me after the show and said that this was the best one ever. Many thanks again. Dave
Hi Colin - A Big Thank You from us to your Ukulele group for their wonderful contribution to our concert. I've got the final profit figures - We made £943 which is wonderful, mainly due to not having to pay any expenses, getting the room free and you not charging. So again thank you so much. We sincerely hope we can repeat the experience sometime. Kind Regards, Kay Hadley, Musical Director The Primrose Choir
05/04/18 Perdiswell Mature Club
Thank you to everyone who played at today's lunch to celebrate the 25 year anniversary of the Mature Club. A most enjoyable gig which measured at least 9 on the Richter scale. I'm sure our performance will have been miles ahead of the WUC Band that played at the Thursday Club. Colin
05/04/18 Thursday Club - St Joseph's Malvern
Now, now, Colin. . . . Wait for it . . . . . . Here it comes . . . . . . . . OH NO IT WASN’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha!! Eirlys
Ha ha!! Eirlys

Yeeha!!! What a fab gig we had today at St Jo's, Newtown Road, for the Thursday Group. Everyone was on top form, the audience participation was great and very enthusiastic! Thank you to everyone who took part - we were a good team weren't we? We will certainly be invited back - it seems they can't g enough of us, which in itself is the highest form of praise. See you all Monday. Have a great weekend. Cheers Lyn
30/03/18 Ron's Birthday Party - Redhill Social Club
Hi Eirlys it was absolutely a perfect night thank you so much, He (Ron) thoroughly enjoyed it. Julie P (Housing and Planning Support Officer)
Thanks to the excellent band who played at the Redhill Birthday party last night. A great performance underpinned by John H's bass. Ron, the birthday boy was much chuffed with his birthday song.....Doo doo Ron Ron. As previously, the Redhill members got up and danced, so well done everyone. Allan.
20/03/18 Friendship Group - Firs Kempsey
Hi everyone, Today's gig at The Firs was great fun- great audience - dancing in the 'aisles' and much 'joining in'. Many thanks to everyone who came (and found their way, despite the late postcode notification!) - we were greatly appreciated and thanks must go to Mark on Bass, for keeping us in time and providing more depth to our performance and Rob on Harmonica and giving us a great Beat in our 'Latin number' - the rhythm gives it a real lift. See you soon. Cheers Lyn
17/03/18 St Patrick's Day - St Clements Church, Worcester
Thank you to everyone for turning up to this event on a freezing cold evening! Despite the England/Irish rugby score we donned Guinness hats and sang Irish songs with gusto and mirth. We were entertained with all sorts of Irish jokes and a delightful little girl who danced away to our music. Thanks to John for leading and Colin and Lynn who helped out last minute!
Rosemary😊 |
25/02/18 Choice Radio - Worcester Royal Hospital
This morning a group of WUCcies performed some songs live on Choice Radio (Radio for Worcestershire Royal) - The Sunday Supplement with Pete Phillips. The WUccies also chatted with the presenter.
Click HERE to listen to the whole show!
21/02/18 Cornflower Club - Kempsey Hub
Hi all, What a great gig we had in Kempsey this afternoon. Well done crew- it all sounded really great (especially the super rendition - calypso style- of 'Save the last Dance for me'). We had some very nice comments afterwards and we sold 2CD's into the bargain. We had a very 'musical' and appreciative audience, who joined in with gusto, so many thanks for giving up your afternoon folks- I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. See you next Monday. Cheers Lyn
P.S. Many thanks to Mark, who came in at the last minute and played Bass brilliantly. The Bass adds so much to our gigs and certainly keeps us on the straight and narrow, we only have to listen to the Bass to keep us in time, which is such a help. Thanks Mark. Cheers everyone, Lyn
14/02/18 Sky Lounge Valentine Day
Well we all felt the `lurve` today as our band of ten amorous Wuccies gave the Sky Loungers a heartfelt performance that went on for over an hour!! We were heckled for encores at the end so we must have got the vibe right!! We were a tight line-up with discipline assured by Mark`s bass. The highlight of the afternoon was provided by Trevor who brought along an Elvis love song ('I can't help falling in love with you') that none of us had ever played so we gave it a go and it went down a storm...... A great afternoon finished off with some lovely tea and cakes etc.... Many thanks to all.... Rob
07/02/18 St Mary's Senior Residents, Malvern
27/01/18 Beatrice's 90th Birthday Party
On Saturday, Allan led a group of 10 WUCcies, who played for Beatrice's 90th birthday party at Court House Residential Home...
" We sang and played well and the audience liked us, joining in as much as they could. We did have to stop one number, whilst aid was administered to a resident who choked while trying to sing along and eat a sandwich at the same time! Recovery was swift, fortunately " |
25/01/18 Eastbank Court Retirement Village, Worcester
A great audience at Eastbank Court Retirement Village tonight - joined in with the songs enthusiastically & applauded the 12 WUCcies loudly. A large number of the residents said how much they'd enjoyed the evening.
18/01/18 Perdiswell Mature Club
Our first gig of 2018 was a good one. Thanks to everyone who played. Eight CDs sold (may be a record!). Colin